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First Bird Repeller of China


Nanchang Electricity Office Consulted Bird Repeller China for Solutions to Dispel Birds Which Do Harm to Electric Wire   Oct,2007
In recent years, bird has become a threat to electricity system, since it can cause circuit failure from November to March every year. The problem is specially serious during January and March. In a certain time, by analyzing bird hazard frequency, the type and period of circuit failure, the effectiveness of ultrasonic on bird repelling, we can assess the function and results.
Since most of the overhead circuit lines are in the vast deserted areas, they are easily be affected by birds. We are in a dilemma, on the one hand, we can’t harm birds, for they are our friends, while on the hand, we have to prevent bird hazard, so we can only dispel them. Ultrasonic can drive birds away and will not cause harm to them. It is an ideal solution to bird hazard.
We tried to dispel birds by fan or puncture, but it was not effective. It is very essential to dispel birds by a scientific way of combing remote sensing technology and modern information technologies.
Our purpose is to create a harmonious society where human being and birds can be friends. provides special solutions to dispel birds in different places, such as airport, fruit garden, storehouse, park and architecture..
Bird Repeller China
Tel:+86 10 88457602
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