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Forecast Analysis of Using Digital Intelligent Bird Repeller LvYuan August,2007

The coverage of “Lv Yuan” intelligent digital bird repeller is 10 mu. Statistics show that the cost of bird damage is 5-25%, even more than 50% in some serious places without using the digital bird repeller. While after using it, the cost can be reduced by 30%-70%. We can see the result as follows.

  Cherry Grape Apple Apricot Pear Peach American Grape
Output/mu(Kg) 1500 3500 2500 1500 1800 2500 1500
Damages Rate by bird 30% 20% 10% 15% 10% 20% 30%
Output Lost(Kg) 450 700 250 225 175 500 450
Retrieve Lost Rate 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50%
Retrieve Output(Kg) 225 350 125 117 88 250 225
Unit Price(RMB/Kg) 14.00 5.00 4.00 3.00 2.40 2.00 26.00
Profit Retrieve/mu(RMB) 3150.00 1750.00 500.00 337.50 210.00 500.00 5850.00
Profit Retrieve of 10 mu (RMB) 31500.00 17500.00 5000.00 3375.00 2100.00 5000.00 58500.00
Profit Retrieve After 5 years(RMB) 157500.00 87500.00 25000.00 16875.00 10500.00 25000.00 292500.00

Evaluation:Digital Intelligent Bird Repeller LvYuan
Evaluation:Electronic Cannons

Bird Repeller China
Tel:+86 10 88457602
Copyright (C) 2007 Beijing Center Packer Tech-Service Co.,Ltd.