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Dispel Birds in Airport May,2007
Bird crash means a bird bumps a plane in the air and causes accident. The first bird crash is recorded in 1908 and the first approved bird crash happened on April 3, 1912 in California, USA. According to the record, the plane “WrightFlyer” was bumped by a mew and crashed into sea. With the wide application of turbine engine in plane, more bird crashes happen. The statistic shows one bird crash is likely to happen in 10000 flights. Since 1975, four commercial jetliners have been destroyed by birds. Bird crash has become a worldwide problem, but there is no effective way to avoid bird crash completely.
Before 1997, there was nearly no measure to prevent bird crash in the capital airport in Beijing. In recent years, they have realized the importance to do the work and in September1997, they formed the guideline to avoid bird crash by designating some people and installing the modern bird repellers.

Anti-Bird Shotgun imported from USA

In 1997, they designated four people to deal with birds. Considering the more serious bird hazard, another four people were arranged to assist them. With their effort to dispel birds, the problem was somewhat released.

40 bird electronic propane-fired cannons

When a bird is threatening flight security, they deal with the bird by professional cannons or shotguns.

Over 40 bird repellers

To keep safe flight, the airport was equipped with forty bird cannons and forty bird repellers. In 2001, they arranged 7 people to solve the more serious bird hazard. Considering the birds are much active in day time than in night, they adjusted bird repelling plan to guarantee three people would work in daytime and one person work in the night everyday. By the adjustment, bird repelling is strengthened in daytime and bird crash is reduced.

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Bird Repeller China
Tel:+86 10 88457602
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