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Bird Repeller for Individuals May,2007

For individual farmers, the cultivation area is about 2-5 mu. It is hard for farmers to afford 1000 yuan to buy a digital bird repeller. On average, the digital bird repeller can reduce 30%-70% bad effect caused by bird damage. The digital bird repeller can be used for more than 5 years. According to the costs of materials and labors, farmers can calculate whether it is worth buying it. You can consider other measures if bird damage is not serious. No matter what measures you take, you’d better dispel birds one or two months before fruits ripening.
how to reduce the damage caused by birds?

· Bird Repeller for Individuals
· Bird Repeller in Cultivation Base
· Bird Repeller in Airport and Power Station
Bird Repeller China
Tel:+86 10 88457602
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